Prayers & Action
Below is our Prayers & Action Guide which includes four brief prayer suggestions for each month of the year. The prayers have been written to be timely, focusing on holidays and key pro-life issues during the year. Please consider using these in your Sunday church bulletin each week. A format like this could be followed.
A Wisconsin Right to Life Prayer Suggestion: Our Prayers & Action guide Reflects on the beautiful miracle of life. Thank and praise God for it, and ask His help in our efforts to draw all the people of Wisconsin to treasure and protect it.
For copy-and-paste convenience, all the prayer text can be found below.
As we look back at the U.S. Supreme Court’s tragic Roe v. Wade decision, we mourn the loss of over 56 million of our children. Pray for an end to abortion in our state and nation. Pray through Proverbs 6:16-17
Pray that the people of Wisconsin who are “pro-choice” or undecided about the issue of abortion would have a change of heart through God’s guidance. Ask that God would convince them that life is precious and worthy of protection. Pray through Hebrews 10:16
Pray for teens, college age and young singles of Wisconsin that they stay pure and not compromise their values and convictions, even when there is strong pressure to do so. Pray through Daniel 1:8-16
Pray for the girls and women of Wisconsin who have had abortions and are now suffering emotionally and spiritually. Pray that they will seek and know God’s forgiveness through Jesus and that they will be comforted by God’s grace. Pray through Matthew 5:4 and Psalm 147:3
During the month of January, we remember with sadness the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision which made abortion on demand legal in our nation through all nine months of pregnancy.
If you could help build a culture of life in Wisconsin, would you?
You can! This month, many chapters of Wisconsin Right to Life are sponsoring events to commemorate the tragic January 22nd 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. For ways to participate with a chapter near you, visit or call us toll-free (877) 855-5007.
Pray that those who make a living by performing abortions would have their hearts changed by the moving of God’s powerful hand. Pray for the softening of abortionists’ hearts. “Dear Father, lead them to turn away from this wickedness!” Pray through Psalm 10
There are among us young people who have made the mistake of sacrificing their purity at the altar of popularity. Pray that God will touch their hearts with His forgiveness and lead them to begin anew, taking the clean slate of secondary virginity with them to their wedding day. Pray through Psalm 119:59
Pray for the girls and women of Wisconsin who are pregnant and are this week being pressured toward abortion. Pray they would receive the wisdom, courage and counsel needed to choose life. Pray through Psalm 139:13-16
Pray for the volunteers at Wisconsin’s pregnancy help centers as they offer counsel to those considering abortion. Pray through Mark 13:11
Valentine’s Day is the center of the month of February when we are called to express love for those closest to our hearts.
If you could help spread love of neighbor, what would you do?
Throughout the month of February you can respond to the needs of your neighbors by fixing a meal for a sick person, driving an older person to the doctor, or shoveling your neighbor’s sidewalk.
Life is precious and valuable at all stages. A visit from a loving, smiling person like you may be just the encouragement an older person needs. Consider bringing a valentine card or flower. You’ll make someone’s day brighter!
Pray for our Wisconsin families who want to adopt a child. Pray they would receive God’s help, strength and financial ability to see the plan through. Pray through Esther 2:7 & Psalm 20:4
Pray for Wisconsin church leaders that they see the need for the church to rise up in defense of the defenseless. Pray through Psalm 31:8
This week there are Wisconsin girls afraid to tell their parents they are pregnant. Pray that these girls have the courage to seek the help of their parents as they navigate this difficult time. Pray through Mark 5:35-43
Pray for the parents of Wisconsin’s pregnant teens. Pray they respond with forgiveness, love, patience and understanding. Pray these parents will advise their daughters to choose life. Pray through Deuteronomy 30:19
During the month of March, both the state and federal legislatures are in session and right-to-life legislation is being considered.
Learn what right-to-life legislation is currently being considered.
Follow the instructions to send an email or a letter to your state and/or federal legislators.
Pray for the people of Wisconsin who value the sanctity of life. Ask God to motivate them to participate in our democracy by voting with their pro-life conscience at the polling place. Pray through Romans 13:1-7
Pray for the triumph of life, that the right-to-life movement will continue to prosper, grow and gain faithful supporters. Pray through Psalm 25:1-3
Pray that we not forget the unborn. Ask God to remind the people of Wisconsin that as long as abortion remains lawful, our little ones live in peril of this legalized death sentence. Pray through Psalm 34:15-18
Pray that God will renew in us a righteous anger over the tragedy of abortion. “Even though we are flawed creatures, prone to failure, renew us, O Lord!” Pray through Psalm 51:10-17
Pregnancy Help Centers continually need volunteers to help with acquiring maternity clothes, baby clothes and other items that babies need.
You can take action this month by offering to volunteer at a center to talk to women, answer phones or sort equipment and clothing. To contact the nearest pregnancy help center, please go to one of the websites we sponsor, where you can find a Wisconsin pregnancy help center near you.
Besides destroying the helpless unborn, abortion twists and distorts the sanctity and beauty of motherhood. Pray for those who, this month, will be pushed and prodded to kill their babies. “Lord, give these mothers the strength to say ‘No!’ to death and ‘Yes!’ to life.” Pray through Isaiah 51:1-2
Today and all this week, pray with thanksgiving for the life God has given you. Thank Him for your mother and all mothers. Pray through Proverbs 24:22-25
Pray that God will move you to become increasingly active in the right-to-life movement. Ask Him to help you speak up boldly for what you believe. Pray through I Timothy 1:6-12
Pray for grieving, wounded post-abortive women that God will help lead them out of the valley they are in so they can discover the truth of Christ’s peace and forgiveness, and that this truth will set them free. Pray through Psalm 23
Mother’s Day is at the center of the month of May. Wisconsin Right to Life chapters around the state sponsor Mother’s Day Rose Sales to honor mothers and to raise necessary funds to educate their local communities about life issues.
Many volunteers are needed to carry out this activity at each church service. Please volunteer to be the Mother’s Day contact at your church for this important activity.
Contact your local chapter by visiting our website page, chapters, or call us toll-free (877) 855-5007.
Victory belongs to the Lord. For us to be victorious over the enemies of life, we must be one with the Lord. This week, as you pray for victory for our cause, lift up your arms to God on behalf of the helpless, precious unborn. Pray through Exodus 17:8-15
During June, fervently pray for fathers and fathers-to-be. Pray that more and more Wisconsin fathers live and model a life of personal purity. Pray they will show respect for women by turning off degrading “trash TV” and that sons follow their fathers’ example. Pray through Proverbs 13:1 and Romans 12:1-2
Pray that hospital and hospice healthcare professionals seek to have godly hearts that desire to defend life at all stages. Pray through Colossians 3:23-24
It is proven that teens who are sexually active suffer depression at higher rates and are more likely to attempt suicide. Pray for these teens that God will lead them to change course! Pray through John 16:33
June is a wonderful month to think about baby showers. Consider this idea – sponsor a baby shower at your church by asking members of your congregation to bring baby clothing items to church on a specific Sunday. The baby clothes can then be donated to your local pregnancy help centers.
To contact the nearest pregnancy help center, please go to one of the helpful websites we sponsor, where you can find a Wisconsin pregnancy help center near you.
Pray that those in our state who sit on the bench as judges and those who make our laws have the faith and wisdom to protect life. Pray through Exodus 18:13-27
During July, recall in prayer how our nation was founded by many God-fearing individuals who sought to establish a nation in which there was the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For those who are denied the first right – the right to life – the remaining two are meaningless. Pray through John 8:32
Reflect on the beautiful miracle of life. Thank and praise God for it, and ask His help in our efforts to draw all the people of Wisconsin to treasure and protect it. Pray through Micah 6:8 & Psalm 19:1
Remember all those innocent little ones lost to abortion. Their blood cries out to God in heaven! Pray fervently that God will help us to finally put an end to this awful slaughter. Pray through Genesis 4:6-10
Each year in July, Wisconsin Right to Life is host to exciting summer right-to-life training camps for high school students. These youth leadership development camps are key to saving precious lives in the future.
By sponsoring a teen’s attendance at this year’s camp, you can help save lives tomorrow. You might also consider being a volunteer at one of the upcoming camps.
To learn more, contact Joleigh Little. Or visit our teen website to learn about the Leadership Camps.
Pray for your own ability to share and articulate the right-to-life message. Pray that instead of getting caught up in arguments, you would be able to calmly and gracefully proclaim the truth. Pray for the strength to say, “It is wrong to end one person’s life for the convenience of another.” Pray through Colossians 4:5-6
Pray for chastity of our sons and daughters. Pray through Psalm 141:1-4
Many post-abortive men and women face a daily, silent, uphill battle with grief and guilt. Pray that God will flood their hearts with the peace and encouragement of His forgiveness through Jesus. Pray through Psalm 25:16-21
Pray that Wisconsin teens and young adults who have turned in weakness to impurity and promiscuity will return to the Lord and to chastity. Pray through Psalm 27:4-14
It’s fair time! Throughout the summer season, Wisconsin Right to Life chapters all around the state sponsor right-to-life exhibits at county fairs and the State Fair.
Many volunteers are needed to operate these important exhibits which give visibility and information to the public on the importance of protecting precious human life. Please consider volunteering to spend a few hours at your local county fair.
Contact your local chapter by visiting our website page, or call us toll-free (877) 855-5007.
The generation known as “Generation X,” (those born between 1964 and 1984) was hit especially hard by the Roe v. Wade decision. Nearly one-third of this entire generation was lost to abortion. Pray for the survivors in this age group, that they not repeat the mistakes of their parents’ generation. Pray through Psalm 102:12-22
Consider: With Adult Stem Cell research, human lives are being saved and no one is killed in the process. More than 70 conditions have already been successfully treated. Sadly, on the other side, with Embryonic Stem Cell research, human embryos are killed – and no one has ever been treated. Pray for the success of Adult Stem Cell research. Pray through II Samuel 22:31-33
Pray that euthanasia will never be legalized in Wisconsin. Pray through Proverbs 24:11
Pray for Wisconsin’s teens as they return to school. Ask God to bless them with hearts that value life. Pray through Psalm 78:3-5
In September, young people return to school eager to begin another year of learning. You can help with the right-to-life education of the young people in your area. Place an ad in the junior high or high school newspaper encouraging students to visit the right-to-life and abstinence-focused website
It is fall, so there is a lot of activity on college campuses all across our state. But there is homesickness, loneliness and temptation too. Pray for all Wisconsin’s college students that they would steer clear of compromising situations and risky behavior. Pray through Proverbs 1:4-6
The abortion industry mocks the truth by claiming abortion is a “quick fix” for an “inconveniently timed” pregnancy. The fact is that abortion not only kills a child, it also wounds the mother. Pray for wisdom for those facing such a life and death decision this week. Pray through Psalm 1
Among us are middle, high school and college age students who are thirsty for knowledge. But they are also in need of learning about the sanctity of human life. Pray that more and more students will see our advertising for the life-affirming website Pray through John 4:14
Pray for godly wisdom for Wisconsin doctors advising on end-of-life issues. Pray through Proverbs 11:2
Some churches in Wisconsin designate October as Respect Life Month. You could do something very special for the cause of life in your church by starting a spiritual adoption program.
This is done by having each person involved pray for one specific (but unknown) child’s life – that they would be spared abortion and be allowed to live. Your prayers can make a difference!
Today, researchers are looking for ways to treat disease using the morally acceptable Adult Stem Cell approach. Pray for these researchers that their work will be blessed with success. Pray through Nehemiah 9:5-6
Teachers in our public and private schools carry a weighty responsibility – they must wisely form and fashion the thinking of tomorrow’s leaders. Pray that more teachers in Wisconsin teach the sanctity of human life.
Pray through Psalm 94:8-15
“As we celebrate Thanksgiving, help us Lord to be thankful for life!” Pray through Colossians 4:2
Pray for pro-life law-makers and judges that they will honor the Author of Life in their decisions. Pray through Matthew 22:15-22
Leaves are turning or have fallen and autumn is upon us. People turn to yard work in November in preparation for winter. You can “love your neighbor” in a tangible way by raking leaves for an older person and help them prepare their home and garden for the cold months.
The moments spent in loving service such as this kindle a sweeter, warmer understanding of the value and beauty of life. Share your love!
Another way to be pro-active in building a culture of life in Wisconsin is by making a point to get to the polls and vote. You can find out who the right-to-life candidates are.
Those with little regard for the sanctity of life want to make euthanasia lawful in our state. Pray they do not succeed. Even when life is hard, life still has value – ask the Old Testament figure Job. Pray for those in hospitals and in hospice care. Pray for their care-givers as well. Pray through Job 42:1-2
As Christmas approaches, our thoughts naturally turn to gift-giving. Let us pray this week that the best gift – the gift of life – will come to more and more in our state! Pray that those who favor abortion have a change of heart. Pray through Luke 1:40-42
“Help us Father, as we rejoice in Jesus’ birth, that we will rededicate ourselves to serving you and the cause of life!” Pray through Luke 2:12-14
A new year will begin shortly. “Lord, we pray, make this the year abortion is ended in our state!” Pray through Genesis 2:7
The celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior is an inspirational climax to every year, restoring hope in the future of the human race.
In December you can adopt a family in need of Christmas gifts and make it very special by also donating a Christmas ornament, creche or statue so that the family you are helping remembers why we celebrate Christmas.
You can be a right-to-life blessing to others!