Who Is Having Abortions? It Might Not Be Who You Think
Who is having terminations? You only think you know the answer! You think it’s the 14-year-old who is too young and has no resources. Or, you think it’s the woman who got “caught” just this once and “needs” the abortion option. Or, a woman who was brutally raped.
But if you think all of the above, you are wrong on all counts. Here’s what years of documented statistics tell you:
- 48% of abortions are repeat abortions – the woman has already had one or more terminations.
- Women aged 18-34 have 80% of terminations.
- Over 80% of women who have terminations are not married.
- 61% of women who terminates pregnancies have one or more children.
- African-Americans have 36% of all feticides nationwide and comprise only 13% of the population.
- Less than 1% of abortions are performed for reasons of rape.
For more information on Wisconsin abortion numbers, please visit the Department of Health and Family Services website at http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/stats/ITOP.htm for the most recent “Reported Induced Terminations of Pregnancy” booklet.