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California Euthanasia Bill Still a Bad One

Last week we blogged about opponents of a California bill promoting assisted suicide and euthanasia dropping their opposition to the measure because the objectionable provisions had been removed.

Well, not so fast! interviewed Brian Johnson of the California Pro-Life Council who said the provisions that were removed were “bell and whistle amendments” that looked good but did not remove the grave concerns right-to-life advocates have with the bill.

Johnson said the changes “in no way changed the substantive effect” of the bill in terms of promoting euthanasia. He said the confusion about whether the changes really improved the bill led members of the committee to support it and send the bill to the California Senate floor. An important swing vote on the committee was falsely convinced it rendered the bill harmless and with that one vote, it passed out of the committee.

As a result the California Pro-Life Council and its parent organization, the National Right to Life Committee, will continue to vigorously oppose the bill.

Stay tuned!


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