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Health Care for America Now Fueled by Planned Parenthood

A new national campaign is being waged in 50 U.S. cities for health care reform under the name of Health Care for America Now. Sounds good, until you look at who is intimately involved in its development and promotion — none other than that bastion of abortion, Planned Parenthood.

The details of the Health Care for America Now are fuzzy. But, you can bet that it will cover abortion on demand, paid for with your federal tax dollars. Planned Parenthood has contributed at least $500,000 to promotion of this plan. Conveniently, PP is one of the organizations on the steering committee for this group.
Planned Parenthood must be drooling at the prospects of this health care plan gaining steam and actually being enacted. Let’s look at it in numbers — that would be $$$$$$. Current revenue for 1.2 million abortions each year in the U.S. is approximately $480 million. PP already gets $116 million of this pot. With the taxpayer footing the bill for free abortions, they are certain to rise in number — and PP’s revenue will go up accordingly.

Don’t be fooled by slick advertisements you may see for Health Care for America Now. Ask yourself the question — health care for whom? Certainly not for unborn babies.

Barbara Lyons

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