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Unify for Life, Like our Future Depends on It.

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“These [Teen Impact Boxes] push us to make a difference in our community, and truly see the impact one person can make. Sometimes, as teenagers, we can feel so insignificant. Like our opinions don’t matter and our voices aren’t being heard. These boxes empower us to be bold and speak the truth, no matter our age.” – Talia

Meet Talia and Desiree. While they come from different cities, schools, and backgrounds, they have one thing in common – they are passionate about the right to life.

These young ladies signed up for our Teen Impact Boxes, a free, bi-monthly subscription box full of pro-life resources and activities, aimed at high school students who want to make a difference in their communities.

“The Teen Impact Boxes are more than just a few flyers thrown into a box, taped up and shipped off,” says Desiree. “They really are a personal box to help you on your journey to become an amazing pro-life advocate. In my experience they have been filled with fun, delicious snacks, and amazing content all at the same time. From Oreos (or other treats) to supplies to spread the kindness. The best part? Each month if you read the information, watch the videos, and complete activities you can earn points to use in the Teen Impact shop.”

In February, we sent out 95 Teen Impact Boxes, free of charge, to teens here in Wisconsin and around the country. What started as a pandemic-friendly alternative to our Summer Life Camp has already reached double the number of teens, and continues to provide necessary pro-life training year-round.

Six times a year, our Chapter Growth & Development team establishes a theme and contents for a new Teen Impact Box. Key components of each box include:

  • A video from a featured speaker – either well-known pro-lifers or WRTL staff
  • A book on the topic of the month
  • Fact sheets or other handouts related to the topic
  • An ice-breaker game that can be used at a Teens for Life meeting
  • An outline for an activity that their local Teens for Life group can do
  • A craft
  • Snacks!
  • Points for completing each activity in the box, which can be redeemed for WRTL swag and event discounts
  • A link to a live Zoom with WRTL staff introducing the theme for the month and giving teens a chance to connect with each other
  • …and more!

Talia says, “I love how education-focused the impact boxes are! As a teenager, I feel that our generation lacks knowledge on the topic of abortion. So many of us are misinformed, or simply don’t have the resources to discover for ourselves the truth about abortion. The boxes provide a hands-on learning experience, and I often find myself telling all my siblings and friends about what I learned each month!”

Some of our other Teen Impact Box recipients also shared their thoughts with us:

“My favorite box was definitely the Christmas one, I thought everything was super fun and unique! As far as materials go, I really enjoyed the first few books we got! I really loved the books because I could give them to my less interested friends and discuss it with them!” – Rose

“Yes! I have loved the boxes! I am looking forward to the writing contest and Teen Impact Live.” – Alexander

“My favorite box was probably the Christmas one, I really liked how different it was compared to all the other boxes.  My favorite kind of materials are the books.  I love reading, and I love getting new books!  My favorite activity that I’ve gotten from the boxes is the coloring book.  I love coloring, and I love getting new colored pencils.” – Hailey

“Every month I always look forward to when my teen impact box arrives. I get so excited to learn new information every time I open a new box. I’d have to say one of my favorite aspects of them is the merch that comes with them. I love expressing my pro-life pride with all the shirts, hats, and pins I own. They always bring up good conversations and discussions.” – Adriana

“I appreciate the Teen Impact Boxes because they give more information about the pro-life movement that I didn’t know, and they come with fun games and activities. I look forward to getting them!” – Beth

“I really liked that the Teen Impact Boxes give us practical ways to help others (this month, the drive for nursing homes) because the pro-life cause is so much more than just being anti-abortion— it’s about respecting and advocating for all life. I also appreciate all of the informational resources, because one of the best ways to arm ourselves in the pro-life cause is with knowledge.” – Hattie

Teenagers and young adults are truly on the front lines of the abortion crisis. We must continue to empower them to stand up for life in their schools, churches, and workplaces. Wisconsin Right to Life strives to reach teens where they are, providing them with the tools they need to combat the culture of death right in their own circles. The future of the pro-life movement, and our ability to turn the tide against human rights violations like abortion and euthanasia, is in their hands, and we must ensure they are prepared to lovingly and courageously stand for life.

Desiree finished by saying, “Personally the Teen Impact boxes have helped me grow my knowledge. They have inspired me to want to gather other teens I know who are pro-life and get them active. These boxes are worth the hype, and I’m excited each month to get my box. I am hoping to rack up my points to either get a free trip to L!fe Camp (another amazing teen event) or the March for Life. If you are considering signing up to get a box, you WILL NOT REGRET IT!”

We must Unify for Life – like our future depends on it.



If you’d like to sponsor a Teen Impact Box, please consider a gift to our Education Fund! Your support helps us expand the program to unify and educate teens across the country!

Know a teen who would benefit from a Teen Impact Box? Sign them up here!  We’re also hosting Teen Impact LIVE in April – check it out!

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