Pushing Pills on Wisconsin Women
Written by Gracie Skogman, WRTL Legislative/PAC Director
Democrats like the current Vice-Presidential pick Tim Walz are using shield laws to protect abortionists in their states from criminal liability while they ship abortion pills to Wisconsin women.
Today, a new study was released showing that abortions have increased since Roe was overturned, largely due to the rise of chemical abortions. This study highlighted how shield laws – aka laws that protect abortionists sending abortion pills to women in pro-life states from criminal and civil prosecution – have contributed to this rise. Therefore, abortionists in pro-abortion, Democrat-controlled states like Minnesota have been given license by their state officials to send illegal abortion pills to women in pro-life states like Wisconsin.
In a time of a pregnant mother’s greatest need, Wisconsin Right to Life and our supporters connect women to pregnancy help centers that give support and resources for pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
Meanwhile, Democrats like Tim Walz are protecting abortionists from legal liabilities while they prescribe abortion pills to Wisconsin women remotely. There is no physical confirmation of pregnancy or gestational age. No follow up care if the woman retains tissue, gets an infection, or hemorrhages. And even if the abortion proceeds without complications, the woman is essentially abandoned to experience the painful and emotional laboring process at home as her unborn child’s body is expelled.
Shield laws are a tragic maneuver by abortion advocates like Tim Walz to get around laws like Wisconsin’s that protect unborn children and their mothers from the pain and regret of abortion.
Granted, we should all be aware that under Tim Walz’s tenure as Minnesota’s governor, at least eight babies were born alive during botched abortions. All eight were left to die, without any attempt to save their lives. Instead of offering protection to children born alive after a failed abortion, in 2023 Governor Walz eliminated any reporting requirement for botched abortions and removed the requirement for medical personnel to provide care to born alive infants.
Wisconsin Right to Life is proud of our record of fighting for protection for preborn children. And elected officials like Tim Walz should be ashamed of enabling illegal abortion schemes to flourish under their watch.