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We love our volunteers!

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Written by Kate R., WRTL Summer 2024 Intern

WRTL volunteers all have unique lives and come from different backgrounds. The one thing they all have in common is their shared love of life.

Joan, a volunteer from the Jefferson/Walworth County Chapter, shares that “I volunteer for WRTL because I owe everything I am and everything I will be to my mother, who taught me what it means to be pro-life! If I can help enlighten one person and save one more baby, then it is all worth it.”

Another volunteer, Kim H., points out that for the Green Lake County Chapter of Wisconsin Right to Life, “The women in the group are amazing. They’re always there to help each other and desire to help others. For me, it’s service. What can I do? I want to be of service.”

For so many Wisconsin Right to Life volunteers, being pro-life is a lifestyle that they live every day, and a part of themselves that they give to the cause. This is the case for Cindy R. who reveals that her volunteer work, “…not only helps to protect the unborn, but it also helps women in crisis and [lets] them know the options they have. Together we can support, strengthen and empower brave women in their decision to carry to term. Only together will we achieve success.”

Every Wisconsin Right to Life volunteer plays a crucial role in protecting life and creating a community that fosters love and support for mothers and children alike.

Do you feel the call to volunteer? Sign up today to join our community of compassionate, caring pro-lifers making a difference.

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