Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee Announces Endorsements for 2023 Spring Elections
The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee (PAC) has endorsed Justice Daniel Kelly and Judge Jennifer Dorow as candidates in the Wisconsin Supreme Court Primary, as well as Dan Knodl as a candidate in the State Senate District 8 Special Election.
Gracie Skogman, Wisconsin Right to Life legislative/PAC director, stated, “Wisconsin Right to Life is confident that if elected, both Justice Kelly and Judge Dorow would be strong defenders of the Constitution, and would serve our state fairly and conservatively as Supreme Court Justices. We appreciate their integrity, honesty, and shared belief that the role of the judiciary is not to legislate, but to interpret laws and apply them as written. Other candidates in this race have already shown themselves to be mouthpieces for the pro-abortion agenda, and we are not confident that they will rule with impartiality in upcoming cases.”
Justice Kelly and Judge Dorow join a larger field of candidates in the February 21st Primary Election. The two candidates with the most votes will advance to the General Election on April 4th.
Skogman continued, “Wisconsin Right to Life is also happy to endorse Representative Dan Knodl in his candidacy for State Senate District 8, the seat being vacated by retiring Senator Alberta Darling. During his time in the State Legislature, Representative Knodl consistently demonstrated his commitment to defending the right to life and advocating for women and their preborn children. We are confident he would continue to stand by his pro-life principles if elected to Wisconsin State Senate.”
Representative Knodl will appear on the ballot for the Special Election on April 4th.
Media Contact:
Gracie Skogman, Legislative/PAC Director
(414) 308-1054