Wisconsin Right to Life Responds to False Claims from SCOWIS Candidate Judge Janet Protasiewicz
Wisconsin Right to Life is troubled to see SCOWIS candidate Judge Janet Protasiewicz make false claims regarding the Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee’s endorsement process and its endorsement of Justice Daniel Kelly.
Judge Protasiewicz has repeatedly made the false claim that Justice Kelly has pledged to Wisconsin Right to Life that he will “uphold a ban on abortion in all cases.” She has also referenced Wisconsin Right to Life’s stance on legislative endorsements, even though Justice Kelly is running for a judicial office.
The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee has consistently stated that the endorsement of Justice Kelly is based on his judicial philosophy and not based on pledges to uphold any law or policy position.
In our endorsement of Justice Kelly announced on January 25th, 2023, we clearly stated that his endorsement was based on his “integrity, honesty, and shared belief that the role of the judiciary is not to legislate, but to interpret laws and apply them as written.”
Wisconsin Right to Life’s position on judicial endorsements has not changed and has been clearly stated in all subsequent communication regarding the endorsement of Justice Kelly. We reiterate Justice Kelly’s claim during yesterday’s Supreme Court debate that no conversations have been had about specific court cases or how he would rule in these cases.
SCOWIS candidate Judge Janet Protasiewicz needs to stop making false claims against her opponent and focus instead on ensuring Wisconsin’s laws are followed.
Read more: Justice Kelly and Judge Protasiewicz on the Issue of Abortion
Media Contact:
Gracie Skogman, Legislative/PAC Director
(414) 308-1054