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WRTL Applauds Announcement of JD Vance as Trump’s VP Pick

Today Donald Trump, former president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee, announced Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate. This was announced at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Wisconsin Right to Life is proud to be on the frontlines to protect life and provide women with compassionate support and services.  

In response, Heather Weininger, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life stated, “We applaud Senator Vance for his record of defending life, supporting mothers, and standing against the radical pro-abortion agenda that calls for abortion with no restrictions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.” 

Gracie Skogman, Legislative and PAC Director of Wisconsin Right to Life, continued, “Senator Vance has shown the heart of the pro-life movement: supporting women, incentivizing motherhood, making childcare affordable, and protecting preborn life. He exemplifies the distinction between a party that supports preborn children and their mothers, and a party that defends the taking of innocent human life till the day of birth.” 

Senator J.D. Vance opposes the use of tax dollars for elective abortions, is committed to the nomination of qualified judges who will not legislate from the bench, and most importantly, supports assisting pregnant women and families in need.  



Media Contact:
Gracie Skogman, Legislative/PAC Director
(414) 308-1054   

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