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When you DONATE, you help Wisconsin Right to Life EDUCATE, INNOVATE, ACTIVATE and MOTIVATE pro-life advocates throughout Wisconsin and beyond. Join us in our fight to change hearts and minds to favor life! Save Lives by Donating Today!


EDUCATION FUND – Our Education Fund reaches women in crisis and saves lives through Emergency Grants; We train and organize pro-life teens & college students to be effective leaders and powerful peer counselors. Tax deductible.

Save Lives by Donating Today


VERITAS SOCIETY – No one reaches abortion-vulnerable women more effectively than the Veritas Society of Wisconsin Right to Life. Our digital media reaches women IN abortion clinics and through precisely-targeted online advertising. Tax deductible.


GENERAL FUND – Through our  Friends for Life membership program, we empower grass-roots activism across our state through our 50+ local chapters. We also work to influence pro-life public policy. Your gift to the General Fund is not tax deductible. Save Lives by Donating Today!


WISCONSIN RIGHT TO LIFE PAC – Lives are saved when voters get to the polls in support of candidates who have pledged to stand with Wisconsin Right to Life’s values when voting for pro-life legislation. Your gift to the WRTL PAC is not tax deductible.

Other Ways to Give

Please mail your donation to:

Wisconsin Right to Life
12420 W. Hampton Avenue #207
Butler, WI 53007
Please indicate which fund should receive your donation. If no indication is made, your donation will be allocated to our General Fund.

To give a gift in memory or in honor of a loved one, please select your desired fund above, and check the Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone box directly below the donation amount options.

You may also mail a donation to Wisconsin Right to Life, with a note stating who your gift is in memory or honor of.

If you contribute to the United Way through your workplace or on you own, you can designate your gift to Wisconsin Right to Life. Learn more here.

Please contact the office at or (414) 778-5780 to learn more about setting up Bequest giving.

Please contact the office at or (414) 778-5780 to learn more about gifts via Donor Advised Fund (DAF).

Please contact the office at or (414) 778-5780 to learn more about gifts of stock or mutual funds.

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