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ObamaCare and the Courts

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The largest ObamaCare challenge initiated by numbers of states seeking to have the individual mandate declared unconstitutional failed in the U.S. Supreme Court, giving the green light for the federal administration to push full steam ahead with implementation of this hated law. As the new year begins, we face the stark reality of ObamaCare which forces violation of conscience through the HHS mandate, increases taxpayer funding of abortion, and will eventually ration health care for older Americans.

There are some small victories to report. Several companies who have filed lawsuits to be exempted from the HHS mandate which violates conscience have been successful in court. Winning in the opening round of suits are two companies in Missouri, Priests for Life, Legatus, Wheaton College, Belmont Abbey College, Korte & Luitjohan Contractors, Inc., Tyndale House and the founder of Dominos Pizza, Tom Monaghan. Make no mistake, these exemptions are preliminary and could be reversed by other courts. Ultimately, the HHS mandate and other suits will find their way once again to the U.S. Supreme Court and, based on last year’s decision, face an unpredictable outcome.

Barbara Lyons

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