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Planned Parenthood Vying to be the National Wal-Mart of Abortion Clinics

Not satisfied with being the largest abortion provider in the nation, Planned Parenthood is now building mega-clinics in major cities like Houston and Denver. PP also has “express centers” in shopping malls which offer items for sale appealing to young people — and things like pregnancy tests, of course, with the inevitable referrals to PP abortion clinics. The centers also carry political buttons and promote political activism.

Two mega-clinics have been built with five more in progress. PP has two dozen of the shopping mall stores.

The Wall Street Journal carried a major article on the PP cash cow seeking more outlets in its June 23 issue. According to author, Stephanie Simon, PP executives say “they are ‘rebranding’ their clinics to appeal to women of means — a move that opens new avenues for boosting revenue and, they hope, political clout.”

Think of how many voters PP can sign up using our tax dollars which are included in the almost $1 billion annual revenue it already collects.

According to Simon, PP recently changed its mission statement from “reproductive self-determination” regardless of income to “leverage strength through our affiliated structure to be the nation’s most trusted provider of sexual and reproductive health care.” Spoken like the corporate conglomerate PP is evolving into. Oh — and they’re also working to become “green.”

Ironically, other abortion providers have the same complaints of local businesses who have to close their doors when Wal-Mart comes to town.

It makes me sick.

Barbara Lyons

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