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Leading Catholic Columnist Responds to Kmiec’s Delusional Assertion that Obama is Pro-life

Last week we wrote about Catholic professor Doug Kmiec’s delusional assertion that Barack Obama is pro-life. And, of course, we said “hogwash” in response to Kmiec’s ridiculous distortion of Obama’s position on abortion.

We weren’t the only ones that were appalled by what Kmiec had to say. Leading Catholic columnist Deal Hudson has just written a national editorial saying that pro-life Catholics should reject Obama because of his radical pro-abortion positions. He says that Kmiec and others are confusing Catholic voters. And Hudson is right. Obama has a 0% right-to-life voting record and consistently opposes policies to restrict or end abortion and that’s the truth!

Hudson said Kmiec and other Catholic backers will try to gloss over Obama’s pro-abortion views by saying McCain is too wrong on other political issues the Catholic Church doesn’t consider as important as protecting unborn children.

Hudson said, “Their strategy is obvious: Obama’s Catholics will do everything they can to avoid the infanticide question.”

What exactly is the “infanticide question” Hudson is referring to? When Obama served in the Illinois Senate, he twice voted against legislation to provide appropriate medical care to late-term babies who had survived abortion attempts. And on a third occasion, Obama used the power of his committee chairmanship to prevent the legislation from reaching the Senate floor for a vote. The issue was not abortion — it was infanticide — of born living, breathing babies.

For Hudson, the final straw was Obama’s promise to Planned Parenthood that he would sign the Freedom of Choice Act into law during his first week in office. This legislation would make legalized abortion a national law but it would also undo all state and federal laws that restrict abortion — laws that protect taxpayers from paying for women’s abortion, laws requiring parental consent prior to a minor’s abortion and many others.

Hudson says it’s “difficult for Catholic supporters of Obama to keep a straight face when talking about a culture of life” and he urges Catholics to reject their disingenuous rhetoric. Obama, he says, is so out of line with Catholic teaching on abortion that he can’t be supported for president.

Good for Deal Hudson!


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