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Obama Spinmongers Feverishly Make Up New Stories in Attempt to Hide the Big Lie

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Arguments made on talk shows by various Obama mouthpieces expose how feverishly the Obama camp is trying to continue the coverup of Obama’s votes as an Illinois Senator to deny lifesaving treatment to babies who survive abortion attempts.

SPIN: He would have voted for the Illinois Born Alive bill if it had been like the federal version.

FACT: Documents from the Illinois state legislature indisputably prove that Obama voted in a committee he chaired for an amendment which contained the federal language, and then led his committee members to vote against and, thus, kill the amended bill.

SPIN: The reason why he voted against the Illinois bill is because it was one of a series of bills and he didn’t like the whole package.

FACT: The Illinois bill was a stand-alone bill. With this feeble argument, Obama is admitting that he voted against the bill, presumably with the federal language. He can’t have it both ways.

SPIN: Illinois already had a longstanding law protecting babies who survived abortions so a new law was completely unnecessary.

FACT: Induced labor abortions which resulted in some babies surviving the procedure were first exposed by nurses at Christ Hospital in Chicago. They registered a complaint with the Illinois Attorney General in an attempt to stop non-treatment of these living, breathing infants. The AG said the hospital was breaking no law because Illinois law only covered infants who had “sustainable survivability.” Since the aborted infants were pre-viable they could be left to die. It was only because these infants were not protected by law that Congress passed a Born Alive bill and Illinois attempted to do so. Faced with the fact of infants born alive following abortion attempts right in his own back yard, which Obama certainly knew about because of testimony before the Illinois committee he chaired, why didn’t Obama start an investigation of Christ Hospital? If he is so appalled by this practice, as he now claims, and existing Illinois law was being violated, why didn’t he use his authority to shut down the illegal practice?

SPIN: The Illinois Born Alive law with the language Obama wanted was enacted in 2005.

FACT: In 2005, Obama was no longer an Illinois Senator and was serving in the U.S. Senate. As an Illinois committee chair, he was in charge of the 2003 Born Alive bill. If there was insufficient language in the 2003 bill, he could have easily included what was missing himself because he was the committee leader and had the votes. The 2003 bill was defeated by a 6-4 vote. Obama took five other Senators with him to kill the bill that was virtually identical to the federal law he now says he would have voted for given the chance. Again, if he was so appalled by the practice of non-treatment of born alive infants and wanted to stop it, he could have amended the bill his way and gotten it passed. Instead, he killed it. It should come as no surprise that an Illinois Born Alive bill passed when Obama was no longer there to block it.

SPIN: “The recent attacks on Senator Obama that allege he would allow babies born alive to die are outrageous lies. The suggestion that Obama — the proud father of two little girls — and others who opposed these bills supported infanticide is deeply offensive and insulting. There is no room for these kinds of distortions and lies in this campaign.”

FACT: If you are Obama and are caught red-handed, you and your mouthpieces viciously attack those who have exposed your Big Lie, claim they are the ones who are lying, act offended, invoke your family as protection, and “pound the table” as one commentator noted.

Note that none of the spin attempts to deal with or mention the Illinois documents that lay Obama bare. Obama thinks that if he acts outraged enough, he can bluff his way out of a very, very tight corner.

Bottom line: The Illinois legislative documents indisputably expose Obama’s attempted coverup. Not only did Obama callously vote to deny treatment to living, breathing babies who survived abortion attempts, he is willing to erect giant smokescreens to hide his actions and even lie about it.

Barbara Lyons

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