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Biden Follows Pelosi Over the Cliff

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Joe, Joe — after the public chastising Nancy Pelosi is taking from the Catholic bishops, did you have to open your mouth and follow her over the cliff?

Reporter Tom Brokaw gave Biden his shot at answering the simple question of when human life begins. Trying to be clever and avoid Pelosi’s venture into wonderland when she said Catholic Church teaching is inconsistent on the issue, Biden said: “Look, I know when it begins for me. It’s a personal and private issue. For me, as a Roman Catholic, I am prepared to accept the teachings of my church.” Biden then voiced the all- too-familiar, nauseating line that he couldn’t impose his religious views on others.

First, taking his statement literally, it sounds as though he only knows when his own life began. Kinda funny. Second, he falls into the Pelosi pit, by answering a scientific question with his version of a religious answer. In the talking points employed by pro-abortion Catholics, they think this is the way to fudge the issue. If I turn this into a theological discussion, they reason, then I can roam freely into the philosophy of different religions and fool people into thinking there is no real answer so we can’t impose our views on others.

Bravo, bravo to the Catholic bishops who are not letting Biden and his crowd get away with it!!! Biden drew an immediate response from Cardinal Justin Rigali and Bishop William Lori who declared Biden contradicted church teaching by turning the question into a “personal and private” matter. Regarding the scientific fact that human life begins at conception, the bishops said the Church “does not teach this as a matter of faith; it acknowledges it as a matter of objective fact…..Protection of innocent human life is not an imposition of personal religious conviction but a demand of justice.”


Bishops –1,000. Pelosi, Biden — 0.

Let us know what you think!

Barbara Lyons

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