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Obama “Faith” Tour Bombs at First Stop

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Obama telegraphed in his speech four years ago at the Democratic national convention that Democrats need to recruit people of faith. Obama the candidate has organized a “faith tour” featuring evangelical author Donald Miller, Pepperdine University professor and Catholic Doug Kmiec and former Indiana congressman Tim Roemer.

The goal is obvious — to attempt to convince Catholic and evangelical voters that Obama really isn’t such a bad guy. Especially on abortion and infanticide. For months, Kmiec has been weakly trying to defend Obama’s dismal anti-life-to-the core record.

On abortion, here are the basic Obama spin messages:

1. Obama will reduce the number of abortions. This statement makes me crazy. Obama wants fully funded abortions in his health care plan. Yes, that means that you taxpayers will pay for 1.2 million abortions each year for any reason, as many times as a woman wants one, at any time during pregnancy. Does anyone really believe that essentially “free” abortions will actually decrease the number? An increase is much more likely. And, Obama fully intends to push for the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) which would overturn all laws that restrict abortion. State and federal laws that prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions, ban partial-birth abortion, require parental notification before abortion, and require information for women seeking abortions with waiting periods would become useless words in the statutes if FOCA becomes law. Result: more, not less, abortions.

2. Abortions decrease under Democratic presidencies and increase under Republican ones. Howard Dean has already started beating this drum. It is just plain factually incorrect. Abortions have fallen to the lowest numbers in decades with some of the most significant decreases in the past eight years. Wisconsin had a 14% decrease in 2007. Just when I think no one can take this argument seriously, reality hits. A man at my church asked me if abortions really go down under Democrats. It was clear this statement had struck a chord with him.

Will the public be fooled by the spin that is certain to increase? Some people will be fooled, which is why those of us in the know need to continually pound the reality that Obama would be THE ABORTION PRESIDENT.

Back to the “faith tour.” At its first stop at Liberty University in Virginia, a state that Obama desperately needs to carry, 15 people came to the first tour event. May the faith tour rest in peace.

Barbara Lyons

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