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Sarah Does the Job; Obama Supporters Continue to Distort Abortion Position

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I’m feeling smug today having predicted Palin would rise to the occasion in last night’s debate. She not only helped her team, but made herself a major player on the national scene for years to come. Fascinating to read and hear the commentary today. Her enemies (they are more than mere opponents) are apoplectic about a woman with superior leadership, knowledge and communication skills who talks at times like your down-home neighbor. Gives them fits.

On to Obama. It is clear he thinks he has already won the election, even though national and battleground state polls give him small margins. Obama is fighting vigorously for the Catholic/evangelical vote. His front people in this effort are redefining spin into pure hype. In my mind, they are delusional.

First, there is Professor Doug Kmiec who wrote a lengthy, ignore-the-facts, incoherent defense of Obama’s votes against Born Alive legislation to provide care and protection to abortion survivors. Now comes Professor Sidney Callahan who wrote a support Obama blog piece for “America.” Somehow these people don’t believe Obama himself. When Obama tells Planned Parenthood the first thing he would do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), it translates to them that Obama is going to reduce the number of abortions and they can, therefore, support him.

If the Freedom of Choice Act were to become law, all federal and state laws enacted in the past 30 years to restrict abortion will be mere words in the statutes books. Taxpayer funding of abortion, no parental involvement before a minor girl’s abortion, partial-birth abortion reinstated, no informed consent for women — that is the “change” FOCA would bring. It is incomprehensible that intelligent people cannot recognize this measure would INCREASE the number of abortions.

I just read an article in a religious publication that concluded there was not much difference between McCain and Obama on abortion. So Obama has a 0% right-to-life voting record on abortion and McCain has a 100% record. And, from that you conclude there is not much difference between them. One does not know where to start when there is that much deception being perpetrated.

Wisconsin Right to Life PAC is starting a national Obama E-Card campaign next week. First sentence in each one — “Too many people think Obama is pro-life. He’s not.” That message needs to be circulated far and wide. Real people will understand the facts that somehow seem to pass untouched through the brains of the Obama apologetics.

Just a few weeks left. So much work to do.

Barbara Lyons

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