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Obama Continues to Stack His Administration with Pro-Aborts

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The latest addition to Obama’s team is our own Wisconsin “ethicist,
Alto Charo, who will serve his administration in the area of Health and Human Services.

We at Wisconsin Right to Life are very familiar with Charo who is a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin and is an “ethics” advisor to the embryonic stem cell research programs in Madison.

Charo has appeared at several public hearings passionately defending the destruction of embryos for research purposes. Her most memorable appearance was in opposition to a ban on all human cloning, including for research purposes. Remember, Charo is an “ethicist,” not a scientist. The real scientist sitting next to me was astonished to hear Charo tell the committee that human cloning was needed to trace genetic factors in families like hers. I’d like to pretend Charo made this up on the spot, but it was part of her written testimony.

Speculation is that Charo could also wind up promoting abortion as a high-level official in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Rounding out Obama’s anti-life picks are Jonathan Moreno, a professor of medical ethics at the University of Pennsylvania and ardent supporter of destruction of human embryos, who will be Obama’s bioethics leader. Ellen Moran, Executive Director of the pro-abortion Emily’s List, will be the White House Communications Director.

Anyone who believes Obama is moderating his views, especially on the life issues, is living in a fantasy world.

Barbara Lyons

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