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Obama’s Pro-Abortion Commitment Will Be Immediately Apparent

  • Blog

During the presidential campaign, one of our greatest frustrations was hearing some people who claimed to hold a right-to-life position say that they could vote for Barack Obam in good conscience because he wanted to “reduce abortions” and that he would work to find “common ground.”

Those naive voters who actually believed Obama’s disingenuous rhetoric are in for a rude awakening soon after he is sworn into office.

The President-Elect’s transition team is already preparing Executive Orders that Obama will sign as soon as he takes office in January. Among the policies Obama is expected to overturn through Executive Orders are:

  • The Mexico City Policy which protects taxpayers from funding organizations that perform or promote abortion in other countries.
  • President Bush’s 2001 policy which prohibits the use of federal funds to destroy human embryos for embryonic stem cell research.

For those of us who understood from the start that Barack Obama is pro-abortion to the core and is beholden to the powerful pro-abortion lobby, the overturning of these policies will come as no surprise at all. We will know that it is but a preview of things to come!

Sue Armacost

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