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Gianna Mia Rose Nevsimal – the Miracle Baby

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Gianna Mia Rose Nevsimal is a miracle baby. Some might not think so because she has Down syndrome. Yet, she has been blessed with marvelous birth parents and incredibly loving adoptive parents.

Fredricka and Mark Manning have five sons, one with a severe disability. When Fredricka was pregnant with Gianna, they learned she had Down syndrome. Confronted with the reality of a second child with a disability, they began to consider adoption.

Enter Archbishop Timothy Dolan from whom the Mannings sought advice. Fredricka asked Dolan if it would be sinful to place the baby for adoption. “No, no, no,” responded Dolan. He said it was their obligation to have the baby and then do what was best for their family.

As so often happens in these types of situations, Fredrika was advised to abort the child. The high-risk pregnancy physician she consulted said: “I see your doctor has written across your chart ‘no termination’ … Now would be the time to reverse that decision.”

Enter Charles and Deb Nevsimal who were despertately trying to have a child. As friends of Archbishop Dolan, they told him they were now turning to adoption. Dolan informed them about the Manning child. After several visits between the Mannings and Nevsimals, it was decided that precious Gianna Mia Rose, whom they have all dubbed a miracle child, would spend her life as the daughter of the Nevsimals.

Charles summed up the situation with this poignant statement: “It’s the most ideal situation I could ever imagine. Two Catholic families now connected by this little miracle girl who was given life because her mom, her birth mother, refused to listen to her doctor. She’s going to be living proof of what God’s gift of life is forever.”

Charles and Deb have been active in the Wisconsin Right to Life Next Gen organization. We are thrilled for them and, especially, for Gianna who has been given the most important gift she will ever receive — the gift of life.

Barbara Lyons

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