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Is Opposing Obamacare Un-American?

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Memo to Speaker Pelosi: As an American who wants to understand both sides of an issue, I have read most of the arguments that support Obamacare. Just this morning, I listened to a video sent out over the Internet by Senator Herb Kohl with his take on health care reform. According to Kohl, we all agree we are spending too much on health care and it must be reformed. He is right. But the agreement stops there.

Consider what is happening to those who disagree Obamacare that Congress is working hard to jam through Congress which:

1. Mandates taxpayer funding and taxpayer subsidies of abortion for any reason, as many times as a woman wants one at any time during pregnancy.

2. Would lead to health care rationing, especially for older people and those with disabilities.

Pelosi hints that we are un-American. The White House asks our neighbors to turn us in so that it can correct our misinformation. The White House talks about responding to those who disagree with double the force. We are called an angry mob.

These intimidation tactics and name-calling will not work. We will not respond to these accusations and allegations by screaming and yelling, but there is no one on this good earth who will stand between right-to-lifers and our commitment, only strengthened by their tactics, to object to the wholesale destruction of human life which Obamacare would bring upon our great nation.

Barbara Lyons

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