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“Pro-Life” the New Normal says Gallup

According to a recent Gallup poll, being pro-life is the new normal in America. This is exciting news! Although the label you proscribe for yourself does not adequately determine your abortion position, people wanting to be described as pro-life displays a defining cultural shift in American values.

For decades, it was politically correct to be pro-choice. As a movement, we tried many strategies to attack the concept of “choice” to no avail. It was simply ingrained in the American mindset that to be pro-choice was compassionate and correct.

Gallup reports that “all age groups have become more attached to the pro-life label since 2005, with particularly large increases among young adults and those aged 50 to 64…” Both groups are significant because they represent population bulges. “Both genders have also become more likely to identify as pro-life with the increase among women coming mainly since 2008, whereas the increase in men started after 2006.” Again, wonderful news and trends.

In other Gallup findings on the question of whether abortion should be legal or illegal, young people ages 18-29 have moved nine points from 14% to 23% in believing that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances. This shift occurred from the early 1990s to the present.

Much work remains, but it is deeply gratifying to observe the American culture turning to value human life.

Barbara Lyons

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