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Expanding Abortions Using Web Cams

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For years, proponents have “sold” abortion as a private decision between a woman and her doctor. In practice, this is far from reality. Abortionists are, by and large, solo practitioners who have no patients. Women referred to abortion clinics generally see the abortionist for the first time when the abortion procedure begins. Even follow-up care occurs somewhere other than the abortion clinic.

Planned Parenthood has invented a new abortion procedure that puts women at more risk and even farther removed from her “doctor.” In an Iowa experiment, PP used web cams to “counsel” women in remote locations about RU-486 chemical abortion pills. The woman is not physically examined in person by a doctor and does not have follow-up or emergency care readily available. The abortionist asks question using the web cam and then allows a drawer containing the deadly meds to be accessed. PP wants to expand web cam abortions across the country.

Rep. Steve King of Iowa and 71 members of Congress have written to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, a known abortion and late-term abortion advocate, asking if the $11.6 million allocated for telemedicine programs developed for rural areas includes web cam abortions. In the letter, King says “RU-486 is a dangerous drug that has been associated with at least 11 deaths and thousands of cases of excessive bleeding and infection. Evading FDA guidelines by dispensing RU-486 through telemedicine has the potential to increase complications and fatalities associated with its use. We cannot allow taxpayer dollars to be used to support telemed abortions.”

We know that PP of WI has web cams. That is why one of the legislative priorities of Wisconsin Right to Life is to require in person examinations of women seeking abortions so that web cam abortions cannot occur in our state.

Barbara Lyons

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