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Planned Parenthood, ACLU Fighting Modest Regulation of PA Abortion Clinics

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After the excruciating and embarrassing revelations of the horrors which occurred in a Philadelphia abortion clinic over many years, one would think that reasonable people could agree that abortion clinic inspections comparable to what other medical clinics are required to undergo would be a piece of cake. Not so, says the ACLU-PA and Planned Parenthood. They are teaming up to vigorously fight what is described as a modest piece of legislation, HB 574, which would require abortion facilities to follow the same safety standards that govern other ambulatory surgical facilities.

Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell is charged with eight murders related to extremely late-term abortions where he delivered the babies alive and then severed their spinal cords with a scissors. Past blogs have detailed the grisly events which occurred in the Gosnell abortion clinic. Not only is Gosnell under indictment, but abortion clinics in other states associated with Gosnell have been closed down. Gosnell’s abortion clinic was not inspected for 17 years.

This has not phased the ACLU and Planned Parenthood who are fighting the Pennsylvania proposal tooth and nail. I make mention of this because in Wisconsin, legislation will be introduced shortly to regulate and inspect abortion clinics. How big a fight will PP of Wisconsin put up? Expect it to be very, very big.

Barbara Lyons

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