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President Obama’s “War on Women” Spreads to Wisconsin

In a cunning, calculated move to woo the vote of women, President Obama has created and is managing a carefully crafted message that creates a “war on women.” The initial focal point of the “war” was the Health and Human Services (HHS) department mandate which forces religious institutions to provide coverage for drugs and treatments that violate their conscience rights. Caught in the cross-hairs of the war is the whole notion of religious freedom — and the truth.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan has diplomatically written about his direct encounters with the President on the mandate. The Cardinal was first told by the President himself that Obama had the highest regard for conscience rights. Three months later, the Obama administration, through the HHS mandate, initiated an unprecedented assault on conscience rights and religious freedom. You see, what the President first told the Cardinal did not fit into the evolving narrative and campaign slogan of the “war on women.”

The “war” consists of the uninformed and neanderthal public (or as Vice-President Joe Biden recently commented, those who are “out of touch with reality”) being opposed to women using birth control. But the “war” doesn’t end with that issue. During hours and hours of floor debate on three Wisconsin bills backed by Wisconsin Right to Life, legislators opposing those measures repeatedly and indignantly conjured up the “war on women” to underpin their opposition. Allowing local communities to control sex education programs? A “war on women.” No taxpayer funding for abortion coverage under the health insurance exchanges under Obamacare? Clearly — a “war on women.” Protecting women from coercive abortions? Since only people who love them take women to the abortion clinic, determining if they are being coerced is surely a “war” on them. Prohibiting dangerous RU 486 web cam abortions? The decibel level and rhetoric of the “war on women” rose to new heights on this one.

And so the spin goes. Expect to hear it ad nauseum in the upcoming months every time efforts are made to protect human life and — to protect women!

Barbara Lyons

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