WRTL PAC Endorses Fitzgerald, Hovde, Neumann and Thompson for US Senate
The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee has endorsed Jeff Fitzgerald, Eric Hovde, Mark Neumann and Tommy Thompson for U.S. Senate in the August 14 primary election which will decide who faces pro-abortion Tammy Baldwin in the November 6 general election.
Speaker Fitzgerald has maintained a very strong right-to-life voting record as a member of the State Assembly and was instrumental in ensuring that all of the important right-to-life measures recently enacted into law moved forward in the legislative process.
Eric Hovde has indicated strong support for federal right-to-life issues should he be elected.
Rep. Neumann not only has a strong right-to-life voting record when he was a Congressman, but has remained involved in forwarding the culture of life as a private citizen.
As Governor, Tommy Thompson signed many of Wisconsin’s most important right-to-life laws which have helped to reduce the number of Wisconsin abortions.
Rep. Tammy Baldwin has an extreme pro-abortion position and voting record. Baldwin supports abortion for any reason for the full nine months of pregnancy. As a member of the State Assembly and of Congress, she has voted in favor of taxpayer funding of abortion, continued partial-birth abortions, no conscience protection for those who do not want to participate in abortions, keeping a minor girl’s abortion secret from her parents, human cloning, continued sex-selective abortions and numbers of other anti-life measures.
Wisconsin Right to Life sincerely appreciates the strong commitment of all four endorsed candidates and will be proud to support the winner of the August 14 primary as a necessary alternative to pro-abortion Tammy Baldwin.
Barbara Lyons
Authorized and paid for by the Wisconsin Right to Life PAC, Richard Fox, Treasurer. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.