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Double Tragedy at Chicago Abortion Clinic Results in Death of Mother and Child

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It is terrible enough that each abortion results in the death of a precious baby. But it is doubly tragic when the abortion takes the lives of both mother and child. That is what happened recently at a Chicago Planned Parenthood clinic when a botched abortion claimed the lives of both Tonya Reaves and her unborn child. Tonya underwent a second-trimester D&E abortion at 11:00 a.m. and began to bleed profusely. Shockingly, the bleeding continued for five and one half hours at the Planned Parenthood facility before the clinic staff finally called for an ambulance that took Tonya to Northwestern Memorial Hospital at 4:30 p.m.

Why the delay? A recording and transcript obtained after the incident indicates that the Chicago Planned Parenthood ignored instructions from an emergency dispatcher to directly call 911 in order to prevent wasting precious time in the case of this woman who needed immediate medical attention. Instead, clinic personnel waited five and one half hours to have Tonya transported by a Fire Department ambulance to Northwestern Hospital. After hospital staff worked to save her life, Tonya died at the hospital from hemorrhage caused by a uterine perforation.

In the tragic aftermath of these events, some are calling for a criminal investigation of the Planned Parenthood facility, citing gross negligence in the way Planned Parenthood handled Tonya’s medical emergency. The Reaves family has obtained an attorney who is looking into a possible civil lawsuit against Planned Parenthood. And rightly so!

Sue Armacost

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