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Paul Ryan on Obama’s Total Rejection of the Sanctity of Human life and Religious Liberty

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Paul Ryan delivered a moving and insightful address to the Values Voter Summit on September 14 which made several astute references to President Obama’s dismal record on the sanctity of human life. Here are some excerpts of the Ryan speech:

“In 53 days, we have a choice between two very different ideas about our country – how we were meant to live, and what we were meant to be. …No politician is more skilled at striking heroic poses against imaginary adversaries. Nobody is better at rebuking nonexistent opinions. Barack Obama does this all the time, and in this campaign we are calling him on it. …’We’re all in this together’ – it has a nice ring. For everyone who loves this country, it is not only true but obvious. Yet how hollow it sounds coming from a politician who has never once lifted a hand to defend the most helpless and innocent of all human beings, the child waiting to be born.”

“We don’t write anyone off in America, especially those without a voice. Every child has a place and purpose in this world. Everyone counts, and in a just society the law should stand on the side of life.”

“Giving up any further pretense of moderation on this issue, and in complete disregard of millions of pro-life Democrats, President Obama has chosen to pander to the most extreme elements of his party.”

On the Obama Administration’s unprecedented attack on religious liberty—the HHS/Obama Mandate — Ryan said:

“This is what happened to the Catholic Church and Catholic Charities this past January, when the new mandates of Obamacare started coming. Never mind your own conscience, they were basically told, from now on you’re going to do things the government’s way.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you would be hard pressed to find another group in America that does more to serve the health of women and their babies than the Catholic Church and Catholic Charities. And now, suddenly, we have Obamacare bureaucrats presuming to dictate how they will do it.

“As Governor Romney has said, this mandate is not a threat and insult to one religious group – it is a threat and insult to every religious group. He and I are honored to stand with you – people of faith and concerned citizens – in defense of religious liberty.”

Barbara Lyons

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