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Rest in Peace Terri Schiavo

  • Blog

It was in late March eight years ago when the nation and the world watched in disbelief as Terri Schindler Schiavo was starved and dehydrated to her death. Her crime for receiving such a harsh and heartless sentence? She had severe disabilities.

Terri did not go quietly. Her family fought for years in court to become her caregivers. Terri’s husband fought just as hard for her death, claiming that Terri verbally stated she would not wish to live as a person with disabilities. Sadly, the courts agreed with the husband.

Terri’s story put a name and face to the growing practice in the United States of depriving very sick or disabled people of food and water, and attempting to call it humane.

Terri is not forgotten in the hearts and minds of all who followed this case with sadness and horror, and certainly not by her family who has established a foundation in her name. The foundation responds to pleas for assistance for people in similar circumstances. Rest in peace, Terri, knowing that your story and legacy live on to help others in your circumstances.

Barbara Lyons

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