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How To Make Sure Your Voice is Heard

  • Blog

With the ever-changing policies and health recommendations in effect because of COVID-19, it is easy to forget about the April 7th spring election here in Wisconsin. Although we are not certain how specifically the election will change, we can safely speculate that polling locations and volunteer staffing will need to be adapted because of the social distancing requirement.

Because of the unpredictability of the future, we are recommending that all Wisconsinites vote early and absentee.

Technology has made this process incredibly simple: use your phone or computer to visit and click on the “Vote Absentee” icon. After filling out your information and ensuring your address is current, simply request an absentee ballot be sent to your house. If you don’t have a photo ID on file, you may be asked to upload a photo of your ID. (NOTE: this is a photo of your ID/driver’s license, not just any photo of you). Once you receive your ballot in the mail, you simply fill it out like any other ballot and send it back!

Absentee ballots are only offered until April 2nd, so be sure to request yours today!

Also, if you are not currently registered to vote, March 30th is the last day to register online! After that, you will need to register in person at your clerk’s office or at your polling location.

To check where the candidates stand on life, visit

Voting absentee is a great way to stay healthy, protect our vulnerable populations, and make sure your voice is heard – especially when we know election day is going to look different this year. Your health and safety is our priority.

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