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Planned Parenthood is Forcing Taxpayers to Foot their $1.6 Million Bill

"We unfortunately learned yesterday that Wisconsin taxpayers are now forced to pay Planned Parenthood $1.6 million in legal fees – because if there is any opportunity to feed off of the taxpayer trough, Planned Parenthood will take it,” stated Heather Weininger, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America, one of the plaintiffs in the case to overturn Wisconsin’s admitting privileges portion of Sonya’s Law (Act 37), received over $500 million taxpayer dollars in 2013-2014. This year, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin fought tooth and nail to try to keep $8 million of taxpayer funding by opposing Act 151 and Act 152. Their attorneys, who defended their agenda to keep the abortion industry unchecked, were paid anywhere from $450 to $600 an hour. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider – performing up to one-third of all abortions in America. According to their own annual report from 2013-2014, nearly one in eight pregnant women who walk through their doors has an abortion.

“Planned Parenthood is, without a doubt, a giant of the abortion industry, and therefore unworthy of a single taxpayer dime,” continued Weininger. “Taxpayer dollars for any purpose should never, ever go to Planned Parenthood, just to free up their funds so they can focus more energy on the main part of their business – the dismemberment of unborn children.”

Media Contact: Heather Weininger 414-778-5780
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