Wisconsin Right to Life Responds to Governor Evers’ Executive Order Calling the Legislature Into Special Session
Today, Governor Evers signed an executive order calling the Legislature into a special session on June 22nd in an attempt to repeal Wisconsin’s 1849 ban on abortion. Although the Governor is able to call a special session, he is not able to compel specific action from the Wisconsin Legislature.
Wisconsin Right to Life’s legislative director, Gracie Skogman stated, “We are disappointed but not surprised by Governor Evers’ disregard for the lives of preborn children in Wisconsin. We urge our state legislators to protect Statute 940.04. Wisconsin Right to Life will continue to advocate for the right to life for all, to ensure that our children and grandchildren have the opportunity to be born and live in a state that defends life.”
Heather Weininger, executive director, continued, “While we are facing so much heartbreaking violence in the world, we must not allow further violence in the womb. Wisconsin Right to Life will continue to peacefully advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves.”
Wisconsin State Statute 940.04, Wisconsin’s pre-Roe ban on abortion, would be a powerful force to defend preborn life if the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. In the decades following the Roe ruling, Wisconsin Right to Life has joined the pro-life community to defend 940.04 and ensure that all life would be valued and protected in a post-Roe Wisconsin.
Media Contact: Gracie Skogman, gskogman@wrtl.org