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Catholics and Obama

Does the Obama National Advisory Council of prominent elected officials who are Catholic still exist? Who knows?

In May of this year, a number of Catholics, including our own Governor Jim Doyle, signed a letter to Bill Donahue, President of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, expressing their outrage that Donahue had called them “dissidents” for supporting Obama. Why are they “dissidents?” Because all are rabid supporters of abortion who support a rabidly pro-abortion candidate — not exactly in line with Catholic church teaching.

Other signers were Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas who is often mentioned as a potential VP candidate and Fr. Michael Pfleger who is now a household name after his Hillary rant in Obama’s recently-disavowed church blared into our consciousness and our living rooms.

In their letter, Doyle, etal., claim that “we view abortion as a profound moral issue.” Right. They continue: “Senator Obama recognizes that abortion presents a profound moral challenge….Obama has also reached out to Americans on both sides of this issue and embraces practical proposals designed to reduce the number of abortions…”

Like Obama wanting all of us to pay for abortions through our tax dollars. Free abortions — that will bring those numbers way, way down, don’t you think? Just ask the people in Minnesota where court-ordered taxpayer funding for abortions pays for 4,000 abortions each year and keeps Minnesota abortion numbers way higher than Wisconsin where we don’t pay for abortions.

The National Advisory Council was formed to provide Catholic outreach for the Obama campaign. Donahue asked that the group be dissolved and now reports that all reference to this council has magically disappeared from the Obama website. Calls to the campaign to learn the status of the council have not been returned. Seems like Donahue was successful in derailing the phony Obama Catholic train.

Barbara Lyons

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