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Wisconsin Right to Life at Hearing for AB 310, AB 311 – We Can Do Better with Our Tax Dollars

This morning at the hearing for AB 310 and AB 311, Wisconsin Right to Life’s Executive Director, Heather Weininger, and Legislative/PAC Director, Chelsea Shields, testified in favor of the two pro-life bills which help better invest taxpayer dollars.

Testimony from Heather Weininger and Chelsea Shields focused on the following:

  • Better candidates for Title X funds are the 16 non-controversial, federally-qualified health centers operating in 96 service sites around the state of Wisconsin that provide women health care services.
  • We need to look past puffed up claims such as the belief that without Planned Parenthood, women will not have access to care like mammograms. The reality is, not a single Planned Parenthood facility provides mammograms within their doors, just referrals to health care facilities that do provide them.
  • By the admission of Planned Parenthood’s President and CEO Teresa Huyck in her deposition for Planned Parenthood v. Van Hollen, in 2012 alone Planned Parenthood performed about 4,000 abortions, approximately 60% of all Wisconsin abortions in that year, and the "vast majority" of the services in the Appleton North and Milwaukee-Jackson centers are abortion.
  • Based on the numbers from Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s 2013-2014 Annual Report, 19 out of every 20 pregnant women who walk through their doors are sold abortion, and abortion outnumbers adoption referrals by a ratio of 174 to one.
  • Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortion makes up "3 percent" of its services is conjured up by parceling out each individual service it does, from a pregnancy test to a pap smear, even if all of these services are done at one visit, with one client, which is a gross manipulation of their numbers.
  • When it comes to the over-billing of Medicaid, Planned Parenthood admits that they do this, and stopping it prevents a waste of taxpayer dollars.

"There are two takeaways from today’s hearing for AB 310 and AB 311," stated Heather Weininger, Executive Director of Wisconsin Right to Life. "First, we have better, non-controversial options in the state of Wisconsin to invest in women’s health care. Second, we can use our taxpayer dollars better to eliminate waste and steer away dollars from Planned Parenthood, which is mired in controversy for profiting off of the dismemberment of unborn babies."


Media Contact: Heather Weininger 414-778-5780

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