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Obama’s Motto: Leave No Unborn Child Protected

“Obama’s In,” screamed the headline in this morning’s Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Get ready for the Obama spin, facilitated by the mainstream media.

Despite being the most pro-abortion candidate — ever — Obama said this past weekend in South Dakota that, “I am not pro-abortion.” If it weren’t so serious it would be incredibly laughable.

For starters, if he isn’t pro-abortion, why does he want you to pay for abortions with your tax dollars? Why does he vote against measures that would inform parents their minor daughter is seeking an abortion? Why does he not want his daughters to be “punished” with a child should they become pregnant? And, most egregiously, why does he want babies who miraculously survive abortion attempts to receive NO medical treatment?

Why did he promise Planned Parenthood early in his presidential bid that his first act as president would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act which would not only make abortion-on-demand federal policy, but would overturn any limits on abortion enacted by state legislatures over the past 35 years!!!!!!!!!!!?

For all of his talk of change and his derision of “special interest” groups, Obama has fervently embraced the entire agenda of Planned Parenthood which lines its corporate pockets with hundreds of millions of dollars each year as the largest abortion provider in the country.

Obama’s motto truly is: “Leave no unborn baby protected.”

How did the Associated Press describe Obama’s abortion position? “Favors abortion rights.” The spin begins — but we know you won’t fall for it.

Barbara Lyons

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