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Ridiculous – Planned Parenthood Takes Credit for Wisconsin Abortion Decline

It is laughable. Planned Parenthood, the largest performer of abortions in Wisconsin and nationwide, is taking credit for the 14% drop in abortions in Wisconsin in 2007. According to PP’s news release, abortions are down because PP and others made emergency contraception more available.

Wow! PP forgot to mention that its Milwaukee and Appleton abortion clinics were closed for about seven months last year. Now that’s a concept — close abortion clinics and the number of abortions go down.

Let’s go back to PP’s announcement a year ago that it was going to close abortion clinics Milwaukee and Appleton. The spin was that the clinics were going to close for two months to upgrade surgical facilities, training and paperwork. No one should read anything more into this, said the mouthpiece. We laughed — and rejoiced — knowing there was more to the story.

Two months flew by and the clinics were still closed. Under job notices on its website, PP spoke of fine opportunities available for individuals to perform abortions at its clinics in Milwaukee and Appleton. What is readily apparent to anyone is that PP lost their abortionist(s) at the two clinics and couldn’t find anyone to replace them.

To sum it up, PP wants the public to buy the nonsense that it reduces the number of abortions when it has three clinics who make millions by performing them. Now that’s a tall tale.

Barbara Lyons

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