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Did I Say Knives Out for Palin? Make That Axes

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In full panic mode, there isn’t a remote semblance of finesse or subtlety in the media attack on Sarah Palin. It is a vicious and direct assault using a meat-axe. If you give any credence to the shambles of what constitutes the media these days, Palin arrived from a foreign planet and brought with her an alien baby and a street-operating teenage daughter.

Some media outlets are even asking for DNA samples of Palin’s four-month-old baby to try to prove that little Trig is her daughter’s baby. So, let’s get this straight. Trig is four months old and daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant. These people need a crash math course and some basic sex education.

I admire Sarah Palin even more. I wholeheartedly believe the American people are not stupid and will see this over-the-top smear of a remarkable woman for what it is — an attempt to undercut the McCain/Palin ticket so that Obama is elected.

My prediction — Palin will knock it out of the park tonight with her acceptance speech. Not with the media, of course, who will parse her every word, but with those who count most — the American voters. Go get ’em, Sarah!

Barbara Lyons

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