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Is Barack Obama Another Bill Clinton?

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Let me know what you think about this. These are my thoughts.

As we’ve watched Obama switch from the most far-left candidate in the primaries to the guy supposedly in the middle for the general election, one has to think that he learned from the master. Bill Clinton was expert at looking into the camera and stating a position with the deepest sincerity (I am gagging here) that was completely contradictory to what he said previously. One had the impression the sands were constantly shifting.

Here’s the bottom line, however. The one issue on which everyone could always at all times and in all circumstances rely on Clinton was his pro-abortion stance. Remember how Clinton wanted to make abortions “safe, legal and rare?” (I am really gagging now.) Yet, no matter what the issue, Planned Parenthood got what it wanted every single time. Clinton even vetoed two bans on partial-birth abortions!

Obama has changed the rhetoric ever so slightly — he is going to “reduce the number of abortions.” (Gagging is too mild a description here.) Some reports blatantly hype that he will “drastically” reduce the number of abortions. Because he cares about the issue so deeply, because it will bring people together, because pregnant women need help (which we in the right-to-life movement have been providing for decades), blah, blah, blah. Looks straight into the camera and says this, when every single policy he promotes will, without question, increase the number of abortions.

Will Obama moderate his radical pro-abortion position? Ever? Not a chance.

Barbara Lyons

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