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Did the New England Patriots Win the Super Bowl?

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You remember all of the hype, the predictions of the sports pundits. I don’t think there was single pundit who was willing to bet against the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl earlier this year. The New York Giants didn’t win their division, their quarterback couldn’t match his Patriots counterpart, match-ups at most of the positions favored the Patriots, blah, blah, blah. I believed them, and you probably did too.

I feel we are in that kind of atmosphere now right before the election. Odds in Obama’s favor. Deal done. Victory laps already started among Obama supporters. Yet, the game has yet to be played.

Yes, I am terrified of an Obama presidency. Yes, I think he will keep his promise to Planned Parenthood to have the Freedom of Choice Act be the first bill he signs as President. Yes, he has a ton of money compared to McCain. Yes, there are too many people who look at Obama through rose-colored glasses, not willing to allow his inconsistencies and lack of depth or experience penetrate what they want to see rather than what is.

But, fear needs to be replaced with action to get as much information out about McCain and Obama in these last days as possible. We need to reach those who still have a place in their hearts for the truth about Obama’s extreme abortion position. We need to educate those who are still undecided. The 50 million babies already aborted are counting on you to save their brothers and sisters from a similar fate.

There is a wealth of material on the Wisconsin Right to Life website at — from information sheets to E-Cards. It’s not too late for you to hand literature out at church services or in your neighborhoods. Our E-card (click link above) can be forwarded to your friends and family in just a few seconds. Don’t forget about the right-to-life state candidates.

Don’t let fear paralyze you — let it spur you to action. This is not an election to sit out or even just cast your own ballot. Mobilize, act. And, remember that the Patriots lost the Super Bowl.

Barbara Lyons

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