Notre Dame University the Hot Spot on May 17
In the most selfless act imaginable, numbers of Notre Dame seniors are boycotting their own commencement because of the appearance of President Obama and the university’s decision to give Obama an honorary degree.
As reported by, Bishop John D’Arcy will lead a candlelight vigil on May 16 to pray to end abortion. What a tremendous event to honor the unborn and their mothers on the eve of such a depressing occasion.
Priests for Life is organizing a large rally on graduation day for students who object to the Notre Dame commencement speaker, calling Notre Dame’s actions scandalous.
The news media, good soldiers for Obama that they are, continue to report that the vast majority of ND students are thrilled with Obama’s appearance. Watch for glowing news stories.
For our part, our hearts are with Bishop D’Arcy, Father Pavone and, mostly, with the students who have the courage and compassion to stand up to their university to advocate for the human rights of the unborn. God bless them all!!
Barbara Lyons