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Dane County Judge Rules that Wisconsin’s 1849 Abortion Ban Does Not Apply to “Consensual Abortion”

Earlier today, Dane County Judge Diane Schlipper ruled that State Statute 940.04, Wisconsin’s abortion ban established in 1849, does not apply to consensual abortions, but to the practice of feticide.

Shortly after Judge Schlipper signaled that she would rule this way earlier this summer, Planned Parenthood facilities in Milwaukee and Madison began scheduling abortion appointments almost immediately. Now that the ruling is official, they have stated their desire to “resume abortion services at [their] Sheboygan health center as soon as possible.”

Heather Weininger, Wisconsin Right to Life executive director, stated, “The ruling is truly disappointing for all Wisconsinites. A law that was enforced before the flawed decision of Roe is now one that pro-choice activists on the court are willing to use as a tool for their cause. Instead of providing true support for women and families in this post-Dobbs landscape, they are putting lives on the line.”

Gracie Skogman, Wisconsin Right to Life legislative/PAC director, continued, “Over 30,000 lives have been saved nationwide since Roe v. Wade was overturned, and more women than ever are turning to pregnancy help centers for support throughout their pregnancies and beyond. Abortion providers offer nothing but death for preborn children and hopelessness to the women they claim to serve.


Media Contact:
Gracie Skogman, Legislative/PAC Director
(414) 308-1054   

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