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China Relents; Accident Deaths Legally Claim Three Victims Instead of Only Two

At least 4,000 children were killed in the recent catastrophic earthquake in China. The devastation is compounded by China’s rigid one child per family policy which means that thousands of families lost their only child. The Chinese “big brother” government strictly enforces the one child policy through fines for “illegal” children, and forced abortion and sterilization. China also has a shortage of females as families abort girls to wait for the preferred male heir.

Now, big brother has relented and is allowing families with children killed or severely injured in the earthquake to procreate. Got to have approval by certificate first, of course, so that the government can continue to control breeding.

In an unrelated story, Wisconsin residents were universally appalled by the recent deaths of a pregnant woman and her daughter when their car was rear-ended by one driven by a man high on medications. Prior to enactment of Wisconsin’s fetal homicide law, the man would have been responsible for only two deaths. Wisconsin Right to Life prays that the family’s grief is somewhat alleviated by the law we worked on for six years, successfully enacted in 1998, allowing prosecutors to also charge for the death of the unborn child. Three people, not just two, died in that horrific crash. We feel humbly gratified that the dearly-loved unborn baby has legal recognition for her short life. May God bless the family at this difficult time.

Barbara Lyons

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