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What do Jim Doyle and Kathleen Sebelius Have in Common?

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Both claim to be Catholic.

Both filled their campaign coffers with big bucks from notorious late-term abortionists. Kansas abortionist George Tiller was incredibly generous in giving tens of thousands of dollars to Sebelius. The dean of Wisconsin abortionists, Dennis Christensen and his wife, coughed up a mere $33,000 to ensure that Governor Doyle would keep dollars rolling into Christensen’s abortion clinic.

Both are ardently and unapologetically pro-abortion. Sebelius vetoed a measure to tighten restrictions on late-term abortions. Doyle vetoed several measures like the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act. Doyle stayed on the sidelines as his UW cronies approved a late-term abortion center at the Madison Surgery Center.

Both are, unfortunately, in high-level positions which they will continue to use to ensure that unborn babies are not given a chance.

It is frightening for the conscience of our nation when individuals with such radical views which violate the human rights of our most vulnerable can hold such heady positions of power. God help us.

Barbara Lyons

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