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Sometimes Planned Parenthood Loses

It was a sweetheart deal, gone awry, thanks to quick action by a local right-to-life group in Sarasota, Florida. Planned Parenthood bought land to build a new abortion clinic. Local zoning rules required that a residence be built at the…

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Polls and Pols

Polls abound these days, signifying that there must be something important happening -- like a presidential election. While polls provide just a snapshot of thought at the time the questions are asked, some ideas and issues have staying power in…

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Assisted Suicide News Abounds

Here's the latest from Oregon, the only state that has legalized assisted suicide and which is continually showcased as a model for how to go about crafting a law. The main spin of the proponents of assisted suicide is that…

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Catholics and Obama

Does the Obama National Advisory Council of prominent elected officials who are Catholic still exist? Who knows? In May of this year, a number of Catholics, including our own Governor Jim Doyle, signed a letter to Bill Donahue, President of…

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