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Assisted Suicide News Abounds

Here's the latest from Oregon, the only state that has legalized assisted suicide and which is continually showcased as a model for how to go about crafting a law. The main spin of the proponents of assisted suicide is that…

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Catholics and Obama

Does the Obama National Advisory Council of prominent elected officials who are Catholic still exist? Who knows? In May of this year, a number of Catholics, including our own Governor Jim Doyle, signed a letter to Bill Donahue, President of…

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McCain Continues to Stress Right-to-Life Voting Record

It is getting redundant but important to continue to state over and over again the stark contrast between McCain and Obama on abortion. Courting Catholic voters in Pennsylvania, McCain met with prominent right-to-life Catholic leaders last week and staunchly touted…

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Hometown Heroes Tug at Heartstrings

Before we get swept up with tales of heroics acts from people we don't know, it is important to acknowledge and commend heroes right in our midst. Jason and Heather Lilyquist of Howards Grove, Wisconsin, get my vote as favorites…

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Moral Stem Cell Research Makes New Gains

The news couldn't be more exciting -- and depressing at the same time. Most likely, you have a relative with one of the progressive diseases that plague humanity, diseases like Parkinson's or diabetes. You want progress in curing or at…

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Planned Parenthood Sued for Botched Abortions

Botched abortions? By that supposed pillar of society, Planned Parenthood? Hasn't it been drummed into our heads that once abortions are legal, they are safe? Tell that to two women who were so severely injured that they sued. In Nebraska,…

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Miracle Baby Survives Abortion Attempt

Surviving an abortion attempt is a rarity, but sometimes babies are intended to just make it. Baby Finley Percival of Nottinghamshire, England wasn't supposed to live, but one day he will tell the story of his miraculous survival in what…

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