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Gableman Victory Oh So Sweet!

Against enormous odds, a little-known judge from a tiny town in northern Wisconsin will now sit on the State Supreme Court for the next ten years. Gableman made no promises…

There Are No Words to Describe Obama

In 2004, our state legislature passed the Wisconsin Born Alive Infant Protection Act, legislation that requires hospitals to provide appropriate medical care to babies who are born alive after an…

Who is Louis Butler … Really?

Patrick Mcllheran's excellent piece in the Journal Sentinel this week exposes the outrageous track record of State Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler while on the court. It is a track…

More on Obama and Clinton

Yesterday, I wrote about the "no contest" contrast on picking the next U.S. Supreme Court nominees depending on who is elected president. Elect Obama or Clinton -- you get justices…

McCain Benefiting from Dem Catfight

Can it get any worse? While Senators Clinton and Obama engage in a slugfest (through their "operatives," of course), McCain climbs in stature and in the polls. It is a…

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